What a beautiful evening for an outdoor sing! This was the Garment of Praise’s second time singing here at Fountain Park in Schaefferstown–two years ago there were thunderstorms threatening, but this time was gorgeous! There was a nice crowd of people attending, and everyone enjoyed the program. The hosts provided cookies and drink following the service.
Singing at Fountain ParkThese services are planned by a non-denominational group. They invite a group in and plan a treat afterwards.Planning and Prayer before the service (Danny & Jason)The gazebo where the guys sang.
Everyone enjoyed the outdoor part of it, except for a few soft spots in the lawn from the previous day's rain.
It was a beautiful evening in the city of Reading. The sun was in the guys eyes, but other than that, with the wonderful weather we’ve been having, we had a great night. They sang a few newer songs,”Heaven’s Joy Awaits” and “He Will Lead His Children Home”; and took requests for “Low Down the Chariot”, “The Tomb Says It All”, and others.
The GOP singing on the deck of the "Lighthouse" at Fairivew on a Sun. night
Marcus took back his spot from Danny for a few songs. They sang “On the Resurrection Morning”–they haven’t done that one too much since Danny stepped in. Instead of singing “I’ll have a new body…” Brian put in that he hoped to have “hair like Willis!” Daryl’s father, Willis, does have a head full of hair, unlike Brian! They also took requests while Marcus sang with them.
Marcus joined for a few songs
After closing the official program, some of the youth and Garment of Praise had a little jam session up on the deck, singing around the keyboard and guitars. They brought up a Fairview Christian School quartet, and sang a few with Danny and his sister, Kim Petersheim.
Ralli Zook playing a little pre-concert musicSteve Petersheim takes a break from the guitarDanny, preparing the sound systemOne of the "Twins" offering advice on sound qualityJeremy & Joanna Martin n' family...(L to R) Harry, Kevin, Ken, Ralli....chatting after the service
(L to R) Ryan Huber & Danny Petersheim...
Update on Marcus’ son Ryan: Ryan’s been getting around a lot faster lately with his scooter that he rides on. Marcus brings it along almost wherever they go, and Ryan seems to enjoy his time a lot better. But if you ever were nervous around a 16-year old with his license, think 13-year-old on a scooter–and watch out!:-) Ryan is almost done with a one-year trial drug for Muscular Dystrophy that he’s been doing through Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Its been disappointing in that it hasn’t seemed to help Ryan, but hopefully the time invested will help other children! Keep Ryan in your prayers!
The Garment of Praise got together Tuesday evening, July 7, to practice for their upcoming program on July 12. They usually practice long, loud, and late! They set up their sound system at Fairview, open the windows, and sing their hearts out.
Daryl, Brian, Danny, Jason....practicing at Fairview
They practiced a few new ones; “He Will Lead His Children Home”, and one of Daryl’s new compositions “How Can You Not?” (The GOP usually gives their own names to things… I think this one was dubbed “monkey-man”). Pics included of guys practicing, song sheet, song list.
Please stand by...I'll hit that low note yet.
So close you can almost hear them
The wives visited together up at Brian Fox’s house while watching the children. There’s never a dull moment with the GOP kids! (pictured (l to r): Bryce and Blake Fox (Brian’s two oldest boys), and Guy Petersheim (Daryl’s oldest boy).
(L to R) Bryce & Blake, Brian's two oldest boys and Guy Petersheim (Daryl's oldest son)
2: Tamara Fox (Brian’s), Whitney and Jacob Petersheim (Daryl’s).
Tamara Fox (Brian's daughter), Whitney & Jacobb Petersheim (Daryl's daughter and son)
3. Sheryl Fox, holding onto Brooklyn Fox (Jason’s) and Chrissy Petersheim (Daryl’s).
Sheryl Fox holding onto Brooklyn Fox (Jason's daughter), and Chrissy (Daryl's daughter)Jacob (Daryl's youngest)
Sheryl, Brian’s wife, just began an extensive treatment for Lyme Disease again… Whitney, Daryl’s oldest daughter, just finished getting treated for her Lyme. She had face paralysis on one side, so she was immediately tested and treated for Lyme. Thank the Lord for her healing.
Update on Fox’s oldest sister Diane: underwent surgery on July 2. They weren’t able to get all the cancer out, but they were able to remove most of it. She will do some more chemotherapy after a while. She’s recovering at home now. The Fox’s mother, Norma, has been staying up there helping in the last few days. Continue remembering Diane in your prayers.
Hey, I am probably an unfamiliar face to most of you. I am Dan Petersheim—better known as “Daryl’s brother.” I started singing with the Garment of Praise in August of ’08. Marcus Fox decided to step down from his former role in the GOP, and I was presented with the opportunity of stepping in.
When I was growing up, which I still am, singing was a part of home. Our family sang together occasionally, Daryl started singing with GOP when I was about seven years old, and my two other brothers also sang in a quartet for a short period of time. Oh, and you can check out the first Little Friends of the Garment of Praise CD.
My voice is on there—even though I am singing soprano. Singing was also part of the culture of school—Fairview Christian School. I sang in various singing groups during my years there. I graduated in the spring of ’08. One of my teachers for the last five years was some guy named Brian Fox, but you probably don’t know him.
Now I have the privilege of singing with the Garment of Praise. Don’t I have something I’d rather do on the weekend than to travel somewhere, sing, and come home? Well, here are three simple reasons why I sing. 1. I enjoy singing. 2. Fairview Christian School is a great ministry to support. 3. I really wish to praise, honor, and magnify the Creator of music, and give blessing, encouragement, and challenge to those whom He created.
”A Better Way” is our project put out in 2008. It features 4 songs penned by Daryl Petersheim, a spiritual, 2 songs backed up by our choir, and some good straightforward quartet singing-a total of 15 songs that will encourage, bless and strengthen.
Below is a List Of Tracks On This Album.
Damascus Road
I’m Gonna Leave The Light On
Low Down the Chariot
I’ll Never Know (written by GOP member Daryl Petersheim)
Well of Grace
This Could Be The Moment (written by GOP member Daryl Petersheim)
I’ll Never Walk Alone
The Cross Still Stands (written by GOP member Daryl Petersheim)
Walking With Jesus
Going On With The Song
The First Look
If You Died Tonight
A Song About Heaven (written by GOP member Daryl Petersheim)
Rewind your calender and lets talk about old gospel Hymns. “Hymns” – by the Garment of Praise was also released in the fall of 2008. This album is for those who cherish the old Hymns along withgood old fashion a Cappella 4 part male harmony. A great album to add to your collection.
“Reflections” is a compilation of 13 songs-eight of them Daryl’s original compositions. If you want a good dose of glory bumps, this one will do it for you. Daryl assembled a mixture of solos, trios, quartets, and ensembles to create a really interesting mixture of music. He even does a couple quartet songs by himself.
Below is a List Of Tracks On This Album.
I Have a Father
Reflections of You
Brothers in Christ
I’ll Be There
Oh Glorious Love
You’ve Been Good
The Tomb Says It All (sung with GOP Quartet)
In The Hollow of His Hand
The Master’s On Board (sung with GOP Quartet)
His Strength is Perfect
You Raise Me Up
A Song About Heaven (sung with GOP Quartet)
When All Is Said and Done
A word from Daryl.
The purpose of this project is not to tell the story of my life, but it is to be a means for me to share the reality and goodness of God as I have found it to be. Some of these songs were written through real life experiences. Some were written as I looked back on what God had brought me through. Others are simply challenging thoughts that have stuck with me.
It is my desire as I reflect on God’s faithfulness and love in my life, that you would find the same in your own.