Garment of Praise just participated in the fourth annual a cappella gospel sing in Indiana on April 4, and 5. It’s always a fun event for all the people that come to listen, as well as those who were singing. This is a place where we receive encouragement from and give encouragement to our brothers and sisters in Christ! God bless all those who participated in the event; singing, organizing, preparing food, etc!
Thank you for everyone who came to Clinton Frame to listen, and to everyone who tapped into the live stream made available on A Cappella Gospel Sing’s website. There were some sound issues on the livestream, but for people not able to be there, it was the next best thing.
I do not know how long the stream/video will be available, but as for now, you can watch the whole program from both Friday evening and Saturday. On their website you may choose which day you’d like to watch. There is about 6 hours on Friday, 11 hours on Saturday.
Following is the schedule, so you can find the group names that are singing as well as the order and time they sing (approximate). Garment of Praise sings at 9:40 on Friday night (5:28 on the video), 12:00 noon on Saturday (1:48), and 6:20 pm on Saturday (8:12). We hope you’ll listen to ALL of the amazing groups that were there!
3:45 Prayer and announcements
4:00 Palm Aires Qt
4:20 Surrendered
4:40 Torch Of Faith Qt
5:00 Joy²
5:20 Higher Ground Qt
5:40 New Freedom Qt
6:00 The Smucker Family
6:20 From The Heart Qt
6:40 Congregational Singing
7:00 Cross Walk Qt
7:20 4 The King Qt
7:40 Proclaim
8:00 Harmony Quartet
8:20 3fold Chord
8:40 Sharon Bethel Qt
9:00 New Heights Qt
9:20 Testify Qt
9:40 Garment Of Praise Qt
10:00 Prayer & announcements
10:20 New Freedom Qt
10:40 Higher Ground Qt
11:00 4 The King Qt
11:20 Torch Of Faith Qt
11:40 Joy²
12:00 Garment Of Praise Qt
12:20 The Smucker Family
12:40 New Heights Qt
1:00 Surrendered
1:20 Palm Aires
1:40 3fold Chord
2:00 Testify
2:20 New Freedom Qt
2:40 Proclaim
3:00 Sharon Bethel Qt
3:20 Torch Of Faith Qt
3:40 The Smucker Family
4:00 From The Heart Qt
4:20 Harmony Qt
4:40 Testify Qt
5:00 Palm Aires Qt
5:20 3fold Chord
5:40 4 The King/Harmony
6:00 New Heights Qt
6:20 Garment Of Praise Qt
6:40 Surrendered
7:00 Joy²
7:20 Higher Ground Qt
7:40 Cross Walk Qt
8:00 Proclaim
8:20 Finale