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Petersheim Family Records

Whitney-- age 11

Daryl, Renita, and family entered Altar of Praise studio and recorded a song for the first time! We hope it will make it onto a new CD coming out in the future.

Guy-- age 9

Daryl penned “When He Works that Way”. God doesn’t always work in miraculous ways, or always how we’d like, but isn’t it fun when He does?!

Chrissy-- age 7
Jacob-- age 6
Jacob-- age 6

“I love it when He works that way!”

Song all done and ready for a listen!
Song all done and ready for a listen!
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Illinois/Ohio Itinerary

Friday Night , July 27, 7:00 pm–
A Night of Music to Promote Living Hope International Ministries 
(Open to the public)
Sharon Mennonite Church
1717 County Rd 140
Sugarcreek, OH 44681
Saturday Night, July 28,  6:00 pm
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship
23338 Illinois Hwy 15
Bluford, IL 62814
Sunday Morning, July 29,  9:30 am
Trinity Christian Fellowship
1774 East County Road 1800 N
Sullivan, IL 61951
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July trip to OH

We had a  refreshing trip to Ohio; being with old friends and singing again after a break in the schedule. It only turned exhausting on the road home, arriving back to the church around 4:00 am on Monday morning. We’re grateful again for another safe trip.

We enjoyed visiting with JR and Rhonda Schlabach on our trip. We stayed at their home, and Rhonda’s brother’s home right next door, for the duration of our stay in OH. (JR and Rhonda had done a year of VS in Reading, then stayed for a couple more years.) It was a sweet time of fellowship and renewing friendships with them, as well as many of you all that came out to listen and encourage us!

Almost ready to leave Friday morning, July 13, from the church parking lot. Hope to get the bus looking better by the next trip. Paint job is scheduled to be done SOON!
Almost ready to leave Friday morning, July 13, from the church parking lot. Hope to get the bus looking better by the next trip. Paint job is scheduled to be done SOON!
Excited for the first trip of the summer.
Excited for the first trip of the summer.
Sweet friendships on the bus: Chrissy Petersheim and Brooklyn Fox.
Sweet friendships on the bus: Chrissy Petersheim and Brooklyn Fox.
Higher Ground Quartet shared Friday evening with us in Wooster Square.
Higher Ground Quartet shared Friday evening with us in Wooster Square.


The two quartets and Davie Richards: organizer of the event.
This event is growing and well-attended. We hope it is a blessing in the community.
This event is growing and well-attended. We hope it is a blessing in the community.
L to R: Marshall and Blake Fox, Jacob Petersheim-- ready for the program.
L to R: Marshall and Blake Fox, Jacob Petersheim-- ready for the program.
Staying with JR and Rhonda Schlabach: fun with Rhonda driving.
Staying with JR and Rhonda Schlabach: fun with Rhonda driving.
Fun times relaxing with JR and Rhonda during the weekend.
Fun times relaxing with JR and Rhonda during the weekend.

 Friday evening, the guys sang in Wooster Square; an event planned by Davie Richards. Saturday evening, they sang at Chester Mennonite Church, then Sunday morning at Messiah.

Hmmm... the discussion with new friends. How strong IS the bus? and Can't you understand what we're saying in Dutch?
Hmmm... the discussion with new friends. How strong IS the bus? and Can't you understand what we're saying in Dutch?
JR and Rhonda Schlabach were great hosts!
JR and Rhonda Schlabach were great hosts!

Sunday after the fellowship meal for lunch, we headed east 3 hours to Cochranton, PA to Pleasantview Mennonite Church. After church, Jason and Daryl decided to tackle the job of stopping the leaking air-conditioner before the trip home. Thank you to the help from the men at church, and to God, for an easy fix!

Air-conditioning unit was raining down on us the whole trip, so Jason and Daryl did some repair work on it before the return trip home.
Air-conditioning unit was raining down on us the whole trip, so Jason and Daryl did some repair work on it before the return trip home.
The men who so graciously outfitted the "repairmen" with tools, now have one less sawblade.
The men who so graciously outfitted the "repairmen" with tools, now have one less sawblade.

We arrived back in Reading at 4:00 am on Monday morning. Thank you everyone for your encouraging words and hospitality during our travels. Thanks to God for the safe trip!

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Ohio– Here we come!

Following are the dates and times for our upcoming trip to Ohio. We’ll be arriving in the Wooster, OH area on Friday, July 13th. Here are the details.

Friday night, July 13, 7:00pm  Wooster Square
Sat Night, July 14 7:30 pm Chester Christian Fellowship, Wooster, OH
Sunday Morning, July 15 9:30 am – Messiah Mennonite Church
     5237 OH 557, Millersburg, OH 44654
Sunday Night, July 15 6:00 pm – Pleasantview Mennonite Church
     3488 Country Line Rd., Cochranton, PA
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Updated photos

We’ve changed a little since some of our pictures on the website… so pardon our exhaustion, grime, and appearances (we were experiencing a fun, hot sight-seeing trip prior to our program in NY). Here we are!
From l to r: Danny Petersheim, baritone; Daryl Petersheim, lead; Jason Fox, bass; Brian Fox, tenor
From l to r: Danny Petersheim, baritone; Daryl Petersheim, lead; Jason Fox, bass; Brian Fox, tenor
From l to r: Dallas, Jason, Denise and Brooklyn
From l to r: Dallas, Jason, Denise and Brooklyn (missing on this trip, Caitlin and Molly)


Back row l to r: Darien, Renita, and Daryl and front row l to r: Chrissy, Guy, Jacob, and Whitney
Back row l to r: Darien, Renita, and Daryl and front row l to r: Chrissy, Guy, Jacob, and Whitney
Danny and his family
Danny and his family
Brian's abbreviated family (his three girls were absent on this trip); Brian, Sheryl, and boys l to r: Marshall, Bryce, and Blake
Brian's abbreviated family (his three girls, Carissa, Andrea, and Tamara were absent on this trip); Brian, Sheryl, and boys l to r: Marshall, Bryce, and Blake
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Keystone Boys Camp 2012

The guys enjoyed singing to the arrows campers on Thursday night, June 28 at Promised Land Camp in Conestoga, PA. As close as we could figure, this is the eighth year we’ve done this– and loved it every time! Danny was absent for this program; he was on a family trip to Colorado. Instead, Marcus rejoined the quartet for the evening, revisiting old songs, and jumping right into some of the quartet’s new songs.

Ages 9-14 boys; plus counselors and camp staff
Ages 9-14 boys; plus counselors and camp staff
Camp Directors (doing a phenomenal job), Arthur and Lorinda Dexter
Camp Directors (doing a phenomenal job), Arthur and Lorinda Dexter

Favorite songs in this crowd: a rousing rendition of "Is that Footsteps that I hear", and the big quartet mix-up, "Just a little talk with Jesus"
Favorite songs in this crowd: a rousing rendition of "Is that Footsteps that I hear", and the big quartet mix-up, "Just a little talk with Jesus"
An extra pull for the Garment of Praise this year: Brian's son, Bryce, one of the arrows campers.
An extra pull for the Garment of Praise this year: Brian's son, Bryce, was one of the arrows campers.
Bryce and friends
Bryce and friends

The guys finished out the night with visiting with the campers and enjoying root beer floats. Thank you to the cooks, counselors, directors, and all who make the camp possible. We were blessed to be there, as I’m sure the boys are, as well.

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Weekend in Indiana

The trip began at 3:00 am on Friday morning, August 5th.  Jason, then Brian, then Daryl took a turn driving. Click here to watch life unfold on the GOP bus!  This trip, Sheryl also helped out with the driving, and did a fantastic job. 


 One of the funnier moments was instructing Danny on driving the bus for the first time (as well as his first try at driving manual transmission.) Watch here for his successful second attempt! Nothing like learning to drive with a whole busload of people!

Working on "Wonderful Grace of Jesus" while en route.
Working on "Wonderful Grace of Jesus" while en route.

Our first program was at the Simon J. Graber building, graciously hosted by Jason and Joanna Knepp and family!  They provided dinner and motel for us that evening, and the service was a blessing.

Simon J. Graber building
Simon J. Graber building


 The following day was jam-packed with fun activities with friends; going out for breakfast at Knepp Family Restaurant with Hank, Jason, Joanna, and daughter, Rachel; eating lunch with Nate and Rose Overholt and family at Jeremy and Vanita Sensenig’s from Fresh Start; and letting the children run off some energy.

Jeremy and Vanita Sensenig hosted us for a relaxing, enjoyable afternoon.
Jeremy and Vanita Sensenig hosted us for a relaxing, enjoyable afternoon.

Nate and Rose blessed us with their family singing for us!
Nate and Rose blessed us with their family singing for us!

They sing; WE sing!
If they sing; WE sing!

 We drove about a 1/2 hour to the program that evening at Hillside Mennonite Church. It was the first time we were ever there, but we received a warm welcome, and it was great to meet more brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Marshall Fox and Jake Petersheim after a long day of PLAY!
Marshall Fox and Jake Petersheim after a long day of PLAY!

Training him young (Daryl with youngest son, Darien)
Training him young (Daryl with youngest son, Darien)

Getting everyone ready for the program.
Getting everyone ready for the program.

Sheryl setting up the CD rack.
Sheryl setting up the CD rack.


The next morning we enjoyed a morning service at Fresh Start Chapel and a quick meal, then it was onto the bus for a 5 hour trip to our Sunday evening program.


Eldon and Audrey Miller and family hosted this evening at Salem, and had a meal for us immediately on arrival. We finally were able to do a Sunday evening program here, and they definitely had a good turnout!

They packed them in; filling the foyer, and overflowing into the fellowship hall where they piped the music into.
They packed them in; filling the foyer, and overflowing into the fellowship hall where they piped the music into.

This time we spent Sunday night in Indiana, and tanked up on sleep for the ride home Monday, rather than travelling through the night. Each night we were so grateful to our hosting families, and blessed by your generous spirits! We couldn’t continue our ministry without you!


Denise, Brooklyn, Cristina (Eldon Miller's daughter, IN), and Sheryl
Denise, Brooklyn, Cristina (Eldon Miller's daughter, IN), and Sheryl

Our prayer and aim for this weekend was to focus on salvation.  We hope to plant the seed, or perhaps water it. It would be nice to “see the increase”, however, only God can know what was happening in people’s hearts. Only God can truly save the soul. We were blessed to have someone comment on our facebook page, “You guys were great tonight! But I think we should have rented a stadium for all the people… 🙂 It’s so awesome to see God using you to encourage so many people. Thanks for your testimonies & the emphasis on salvation.”

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Indiana–When and Where

You may have noticed on our itinerary that we’ll be singing in Indiana this weekend, but we don’t have any places, dates, or times. Well, here is that information you’ve been waiting for!
August 5, 2011     7:00 P.M.
Simon J. Graber Community Building
9164 E. 875 N.
Odon, IN 47592
August 6, 2011     6:00 P.M.
Hillside Mennonite Church
Shoals, IN 47581
August 7, 2011     9:25 A.M.
Fresh Start Chapel
657 S 350 E
Washington, IN 47501
August 7, 2011     7:30 P.M.
Salem Mennonite Church
23984 County Road 46
New Paris, IN 46553
Any questions call Jason Fox’s cell phone: 484-794-5290
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A Day at the Park

Now this is what you’d call a really, truly “behind the scenes” post!  You wouldn’t normally see these guys behaving like this on the stage or in church, but what’s in the heart usually comes out sometime or other!






… and look at the next generation following in their fathers’ footsteps!




… and some more pictures of our families enjoying the day…

Dallas, Jason's son
Dallas, Jason's son
Daryl, with his youngest son, Darien
Daryl, with his youngest son, Darien
clockwise (starting at far left): Denise, Whitney, Bryce, Brooklyn, Dallas
clockwise (starting at far left): Denise, Whitney, Bryce, Brooklyn, Dallas
Brian, and wife, Sheryl
Brian, and wife, Sheryl