Thanking God for all of you
I received 2 of GOP’s CD’s for my birthday. From the time I first played the song “I’ll Never Know”, it has been in my heart and mind. I sat down and wrote out the words and God pressed them even more into my heart.
We have been through cancer & major back surgery with my husband and so many family trials but as this song says, I’ll never know what it’s like to go through these things without the Lord Jesus Christ.
I praise His name for the peace He gives even during the times when we just don’t have any idea how things will turn out.
Thank you so much for your ministry and your songs. I had never heard y’all sing until my sister gave me the CD’s. I think they have been playing your songs on WDYN out of Chattanooga, TN and that’s how she got them.
Keep up the good work and may God bless you and yours. He is most definitely blessing others through your ministry.
Your Sister in Christ,