It was a beautiful evening in the city of Reading. The sun was in the guys eyes, but other than that, with the wonderful weather we’ve been having, we had a great night. They sang a few newer songs,”Heaven’s Joy Awaits” and “He Will Lead His Children Home”; and took requests for “Low Down the Chariot”, “The Tomb Says It All”, and others.

Marcus took back his spot from Danny for a few songs. They sang “On the Resurrection Morning”–they haven’t done that one too much since Danny stepped in. Instead of singing “I’ll have a new body…” Brian put in that he hoped to have “hair like Willis!” Daryl’s father, Willis, does have a head full of hair, unlike Brian! They also took requests while Marcus sang with them.

After closing the official program, some of the youth and Garment of Praise had a little jam session up on the deck, singing around the keyboard and guitars. They brought up a Fairview Christian School quartet, and sang a few with Danny and his sister, Kim Petersheim.

Update on Marcus’ son Ryan: Ryan’s been getting around a lot faster lately with his scooter that he rides on. Marcus brings it along almost wherever they go, and Ryan seems to enjoy his time a lot better. But if you ever were nervous around a 16-year old with his license, think 13-year-old on a scooter–and watch out!:-) Ryan is almost done with a one-year trial drug for Muscular Dystrophy that he’s been doing through Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Its been disappointing in that it hasn’t seemed to help Ryan, but hopefully the time invested will help other children! Keep Ryan in your prayers!