August 24-26th, Garment of Praise and families headed to Maryland for our biennial event– Country Fest. Actually, Country Fest is an annual event. Garment of Praise only sings at it every other year! It is a very fun, family-friendly day to attend, and our families anticipate the time spent in different activities, watching demonstrations, and indulging in the delicious chicken BBQ and other treats!
The children waiting for the auction to start, in the new, bigger facility.Garment of Praise always has a half-hour singing before the auction starts.Sorry, our boys cleaned up the pedal tractor pulling contest! (OK, not quite "cleaned up", but had fun pedalling and winning a few.)The much-anticipated barrel rides.Singing during the chicken BBQ lunch.Pony-cart rides --Chrissy Petersheim and Brooklyn FoxBrian-- looking very disappointed! They just announced that they would let the younger children collect candy first, before letting the older ones cross the tape. His loss=little kids' gain.Here comes the candy from the copter!Yum! Danny's chicken BBQ lunch, well-deserved! and very delicious!
Sunday morning, we participated in a service at Bittinger Mennonite Church and enjoyed a delish potluck lunch! Thank you for the warm fellowship and encouragement we received. The new acquaintances we make and warm friendships we renew, make this singing ministry a joy!