Its been a busy last three months, but you couldn’t tell that by the amount of website activity, could you? Its about time for some updates; to let you know where we’ve been singing, what we’ve been doing, and to thank you for remembering us as a quartet in your prayers. We appreciate it when we’re on the road for safety, and while we’re singing, that God would encourage the church.
In August, we had a Sunday morning program at Life Mennonite Fellowship, and an evening service at Myerstown Mennonite Church. The latter was supposed to be an outdoor “park” singing, but since it was raining, we sang indoors, and had a good evening anyway. At the end of August, like we do every other year, the guys sang several times throughout the day at Country Fest, down in Accident, Maryland. The men did a one day trip down and back, so the families didn’t go along this time.
Also in August–kind of unrelated to the Garment of Praise, but, yet, it affects us so much– Fairview Mennonite Church had a deacon ordination. Several years ago, Marcus Fox was ordained to this position, but when we ordained a new minister last fall, Marcus was called and ordained as pastor, thus creating a need for a new deacon. On August 22nd, the church received nominations, and Jason Fox’s name was one of the men nominated. One week later, Jason did receive the call to become our deacon, and was ordained to this position. Will this create changes within the quartet? Only God knows, but as for now, we are “going on with the song”, joyfully, and with as much enthusiasm as ever. Jason loves to sing, and continues on as our contact person, also.
On the first day of September, the quartet had the exciting, new privilege of singing at the Blue Mountain Gospel Music Festival in Lebanon, PA. This used to be in Kempton, PA, and held fond memories for the “older” members of the quartet. This was where they watched their favorite Southern Gospel groups sing when they were teenagers. Garden Spot Promotions puts on the 5-day event, and we were humbled by the opportunity to participate in the Wednesday evening concert with the Allen family, the Down East Boys, and the Greenes. Danny Jones, of the Singing News magazine, was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening.

The rest of September we had a few programs–Fairmount Homes Auction and Word of Life Mennonite Church in Lititz, PA. We had a program scheduled at Sonlight Christian Fellowship for the 18th, but rescheduled that for October 3rd.
Also in September, the Brian Fox family and Daryl Petersheim and his wife, Renita, visited the National Quartet Convention in Louisville, KY. They didn’t have any part in the convention, but enjoyed the other groups’ singing and ministry during each evening concert and the daytime showcases. It was special to hear the Kingdom Heirs sing “The Empty Tomb Says It All”, the song Daryl penned and won the 2008 songwriters contest with.

Our October singings are not finished yet–it’s been a busy month already! October 2nd, we sang at the kick-off night for the Manheim Farm Show. What an encouragement to see a town’s farm show start out with a Gospel concert! The next Sunday night we took the bus to an evening program, Sonlight Christian Fellowship, out near Hanover, PA. Thankfully, this time we remembered the sound system! The following Saturday and Sunday, we also had programs. Saturday night was a local gospel sing-along in Fleetwood, PA, only a few miles from Daryl’s home.

Also performing that day were the Revival Rivers (Martin and Jen McPherson) and the Stony Mountain Gang. It was a very diverse group sharing Christ; praise and worship music, bluegrass, and a cappella. A wonderful fellowship meal was provided half-way through the program.
Sunday evening we boarded the bus again–this time to Chambersburg, PA, to the Shanks Church of the Brethren. Thanks to the hosts for the fun evening of singing, the snack afterwards, and the food they sent home with us!

Continue to remember us in prayer as we finish out the year of 2010. We have two banquets/concerts still coming up in October, the 26th and the 30th. We’d love to have you join us. The guys also squeezed in a recording date in October. Recording is coming along slow, but sure. We have no projected date for completion yet.
It was good being with you at the “Sing-Along” in Fleetwood. Thanks for posting a photo of us on your site. We’d appreciate if you have some photos to share with us. We don’t get many stage shots because the whole family sings.
It was a real joy to sing with you at Fleetwood and a real honor to accompany you on “I’ll Fly Away” I wasn’t expecting to see us on your web site- Rita told me, so I had to check it out.