Friday morning, September 4th, we headed for Holmes County, OH, with the Garment of Praise for 3 programs. The bus was a little fuller than usual with Marcus and his family joining us to help fill the vacancy from Jason staying home with his wife and new baby.

The travelling was uneventful and we arrived at the Townhouse Bed and Breakfast, where we unpacked and got ready to head over to the auction for the Friday evening program. The guys warmed up a little in the big tent; Brian and Daryl with their usual parts, Marcus returning to baritone, and Danny filling in the bass. It went okay–one amusing part was Brian singing Jason’ bass solo on “Where His Grace Begins” and then jumping back up to tenor for the chorus, dropping down for the bass run, hopping back up to the tenor for the finish of the chorus. I think we were all grateful to hear Jason sing that one the next time.

Hitting the coffee house late Friday night after the children are in bed.
We walked around Berlin to get breakfast Saturday morning–what a pile of children were on this trip. Made for some fun…and chaotic times!
Homestead Restaurant for a great buffet Saturday morning!
Setting up on Saturday morning for our next program to be on Sunday morning. Jason says, “That’s what you call ‘air bass'”.
Enjoyed the auction for a few hours Saturday afternoon, to bid on a few things, and visit with friends.
Joe and Rhoda Miller, our good friends, always have us over for supper…and the guys have to get in their half-court basketball game! Jason drove out with daughter, Molly, to help sing on Sunday! It was good to see him join the group again.
Now there’s a pretty picture; John Deere and GOP bus! Joe took us on a hay ride around the area for some beautiful views!
Headed for Sharon Conservative Mennonite Church. We attended Sunday School with the church people, then the guys shared the morning message in song, then we enjoyed a good fellowship meal with their congregation, and some visitors–a lot of our German Baptist friends were there.
Joe and Rhoda came to the last program–their Brianna made good friends with our Chrissy.
Even though Jason was there to sing for most of the program, Marcus filled in Danny’s part for some of the program, and all five of them sang “One Fine Day” for a grand finale.