We had three programs in the last week and a half–and we have a few upcoming ones that we’d like to alert you to. We enjoyed having most of June off, but its good to be back in the saddle, singing, praising the Lord, and encouraging others to do the same.
We sang at the Pennsylvania Haiti Relief Sale in New Holland, PA on July 16th. We met some old friends–and made some new ones. Especially memorable was the family up from North Carolina that was returning for the second year to the sale, and to hear the Garment of Praise in person. Its exciting to meet other members of God’s family from elsewhere, and recognize that you are already “friends”. Good News also sang on Friday evening with us, and Stanley Fox shared about Haiti.
On July 24th, several of us had “Elizabethtown College” written on our calendars, but didn’t really know what we were in for (its a good thing Jason keeps all the dates and places straight). We had a wonderful night, though. It was the Saturday evening of the “Brethren Alive Conference”. It is held at the Elizabethtown College, and their meetings take place in the Leffler Chapel–a beautiful hall. The men enjoyed sharing in such a beautiful setting–to friends–about our awesome God.

The following evening, July 25th, Sunday night, was to be an outdoor service at Hahnstown United Zion near Ephrata, PA. Either way, we were prepared for “weather”; would we have high 90s like previous days, or would we face a thunderstorm? Thank God for the thunderstorm that went through a few hours prior to the service and cleared out the humidity and heat. What a gorgeous evening for an outdoor program!

Continue to remember Brian in prayer, as he’s been having some pain in his throat over the last month or so. He went to see the doctor–possible acid reflux or infection from his wisdom tooth? Hopefully, the problem will be resolved soon for more enjoyable singing for him. The last few programs have went better, but it is definitely still a strain on him. Please keep lifting him up to the Lord with us.
We have a barbecue with Sunday School Meditations on July 31st, then we head into our August programs:
August 8th, Sunday night– Life Mennonite Fellowship
August 15th, Sunday night– Myerstown Mennonite Church 7:00 pm (an outside service)
August 28th, Saturday– Country Fest in Maryland
Thanks so much for sharing about your ministry on FB. Love to hear how you are blessing so many people, and also gives us an opportunity to pray for you when we know out ahead what’s coming up!! Keep blessing his name!!