We had a refreshing trip to Ohio; being with old friends and singing again after a break in the schedule. It only turned exhausting on the road home, arriving back to the church around 4:00 am on Monday morning. We’re grateful again for another safe trip.
We enjoyed visiting with JR and Rhonda Schlabach on our trip. We stayed at their home, and Rhonda’s brother’s home right next door, for the duration of our stay in OH. (JR and Rhonda had done a year of VS in Reading, then stayed for a couple more years.) It was a sweet time of fellowship and renewing friendships with them, as well as many of you all that came out to listen and encourage us!

Friday evening, the guys sang in Wooster Square; an event planned by Davie Richards. Saturday evening, they sang at Chester Mennonite Church, then Sunday morning at Messiah.

Sunday after the fellowship meal for lunch, we headed east 3 hours to Cochranton, PA to Pleasantview Mennonite Church. After church, Jason and Daryl decided to tackle the job of stopping the leaking air-conditioner before the trip home. Thank you to the help from the men at church, and to God, for an easy fix!

We arrived back in Reading at 4:00 am on Monday morning. Thank you everyone for your encouraging words and hospitality during our travels. Thanks to God for the safe trip!
Would have been great to have been there!! So glad the Lord blessed you with safe travels and people who love your music!