We haven’t had a program in quite a while, so it was great to hit the road again and SING! We always have plenty of busyness going on without Garment of Praise programs, but we still miss it. We’ve been working on getting a new sound system that works for us, and we’ve also been working on a couple new songs to add to our programs, and, eventually, record on our new CD. Our church, Fairview Mennonite Church, which we all attend, has been practicing weekly for a few chorus programs in the area–with Brian Fox directing most of the music. So, our plates are full… and overflowing!

It’s always good to get out and sing through the songs, and visit with our friends in churches. Last Sunday night, February 27, we sang near Elizabethtown, PA, at Risser’s Mennonite Church. We felt a little rough around the edges, but it definitely was fun to harmonize, praise God, and work together again!

We’re looking at getting busier in the next few months! We have some more Garment of Praise programs coming soon, but our church chorus, which we are all a part of, is doing a few programs in March and April also.