Gospel Express was invited to come do a tent crusade on the grounds of Teen Challenge, Rehresburg, PA, and Garment of Praise was invited to open up one night. Dale Weaver from Myerstown was the moderator, and Dave Miller brought the message, “It’s All About Jesus”. He spoke from Hebrews 2:1-3 about not neglecting your salvation.
Before the message, Dave’s family also shared a small drama regarding the spiritual gifts–funny and challenging! Nelson put in an enthusiastic word here and there, and ran the sound system (with son-in-law, Rendall Hostetler). This is a dynamic ministry and we pray God’s blessings upon them.
Garment of Praise was received enthusiastically by the Teen Challenge guys, and Nelson requested one more song after they were returning to their seats. They sang “Heaven’s Joy Awaits” and got the group clapping along (this is sometimes scary–since clapping along with GOP’s timing can confuse these guys 🙂 ). After the song they got a standing ovation, and after the service, testimonies of the songs blessing them. May God receive the glory!
i think you guys have a great ministry going. keep seeking the Lord for your direction! i love to sign too, but don’t do much small group singing. our youth group sings for a local nursing home & occasionally on church, but i long to serve the Lord with my voice more. keep on your ministry & keep God first!
ruthie layne (16)
georgetown OH